Clarecastle Tidy Towns 2023

Welcome, to Clarecastle Tidy Towns 2023 application page.

We invite you to discover the passion, dedication, and innovative efforts that make Clarecastle a shining contender in the Tidy Towns Competition.

2023 Supervalue Tidy Towns Competition

Categories and Marking

Community - Your Planning & Involvement

80 points

Green Spaces & Landscaping

80 points

Sustainability - Doing more with less

55 points

Residential Streets & Housing Areas

55 points

Streetscape & Public Places

80 points

Nature & Biodiversity in your Locality

55 points

Tidiness & Litter Control

90 points

Approach Roads, Streets & Lanes

55 points

Total:  550 points

Community - Your Planning & Involvement

[Answers to application questions]

Number involved in your Committee:      

Number not on committee but who volunteer:      

Please indicate level of voluntary commitment (number of TidyTowns meetings, community meetings, general involvement of the community, new residents, etc.):

Please list all of the agencies, bodies and businesses that have supported your activities through sponsorship, resources, funding, advice, etc.):

How do you communicate with your community (newsletter, newspapers, public meetings, email, social media, website, etc.)?

How do you engage with your local schools, youth clubs, etc.?  How do you involve youth in your work, do you have a Junior TidyTowns, is there youth representation on your committee.

Approximately how many years has your community entered the competition. How has your community benefited from involvement in the competition?

[Featured Project]

Briefly identify ONE specific project where particular effort was applied since June 1st, 2022. (This can include ongoing maintenance work or new project)

Streetscape & Public Places

[Answers to application questions]


Key Projects

List projects undertaken since June 1st, 2022 including, new projects (N) completed this year, previous projects that you have improved or maintained (M). It would be helpful if you could number your project descriptions and include date project was initiated and completed, where applicable.

Date Initiated:
Date Completed:

Working with CCDL, Clare Co Co) securing €395k through direct applications to the Department of Rural and Community Development under the national Towns and Villages Renewal Scheme to fund the works.
This work has removed Overhead wires and ugly poles and street light from most of the core village area

Replaced damaged paths with new Limestone kerbing and block paving stones



€49k upgrade via funding secured by TT under Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme (ORIS)
New accessible for all Footpaths , and Major Tidy up of the Park that has now created a very pleasant pro biodiversity Park and green corridor linking school , GAA Complex , Church

Introduced a heritage colour scheme for the village managed by Clarecastle Tidy towns with funding support from CCC and access, via Shanahan Paints, to Dulux professional colour consultants. €20k project

Greenway Walk €5k funding secured from CCDL/Leader 2018 to complete a technical feasibility study which CCC used to support their application to secure €200k from Department of Rural and Community Development for the Doora Bridge to Clareabbey section.

Clarecastle Tidy Towns working with Clare Co Council secured further funding from the ORIS for feasibility study to extend greenway to Clarecastle.

working with CCC and OPW major enhancements to the entrance of the Quay and general landscaping and tree maintenance and replacements , New signage erected for both Heritage & Wildlife.

Along with Heritage & wildlife Group successfully campaigned to get Historic Port of Clare included in the official stopping points of the new Shannon Estuary Way

Annual detail applications with funds totalling in excess of €110K going towards small capital projects ( eg Famine stone project, Peoples Park Bio Diversity projects, and annual operational projects such as Playground Maintenance, Tidy Towns Painting & Flowers & Shrub, assistance with residence groups etc
Dedication, regular litter sweeps, working in conjunction with Clare Co Council Roads Team who have reintroduced scheduled road sweeping in Clarecastle
Creation of a Heritage Trail with support from Clarecastle & Ballyea Heritage & wildlife group.
Eliminated Hoardings, obsolete poles and signs and unsightly advertising from ESB poles, buildings as well as Clareabbey roundabout
Major emphasis on the promotion of Biodiversity & Sustainability with the publication of a Clarecastle Biodiversity Plan by the Clarecastle & Ballyea Heritage & Wildlife group
supporting Community Garden Team, Christmas Lights Team, Regatta Committee, Playground Committee (TUS), Pastoral Council, Clarecastle National School, Clarecastle Scouts and others and very grateful for continued support from the Clarecastle Men’s shed
Before After

Green Spaces & Landscaping

[Answers to application questions]

Nature & Biodiversity in your Locality

[Answers to application questions]

Sustainability - Doing more with less

[Answers to application questions]

Tidiness & Litter Control

[Answers to application questions]

Residential Streets & Housing Areas

[Answers to application questions]

Approach Roads, Streets & Lanes

[Answers to application questions]

Clarecastle Map

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